Who Wants to Camp? Rinjani Hike Is the Perfect Campground!
Want camping that is not ordinary? Maybe you can do exciting camping with the Rinjani hike in Lombok. The excitement of the Rinjani hike lies in the anti-mainstream campground atmosphere, which is above the top of the mountain.
If camping in the lowlands or not on the mountain it is common. Whereas camping on a mountain, especially on Mount Rinjani, it feels really wow. Have you never done a Rinjani hike to the top of rinjani which has an altitude of 3726 meters above sea level? That’s right you have to try it with Parman Trekker, the Rinjani Trekking Specialist. Starting from beginner hikers to the most expert even though they have done the Rinjani hike with The Parman Trekker guide.
Prepare mentally and physically because we will Rinjani hike to the best campground in Rinjani National Park, Lombok.
Top Campinground in Rinjani National Park
Mount Rinjani is just one of the peaks in Rinjani National Park. And, the Rinjani hike to the top of Mount Rinjani is the number one favorite for climbers. In addition, there are still several other peaks in Rinjani National Park that have very cool campground locations that are not inferior to the peak of Rinjani.
Rinjani Trekking Specialist will bring the imagination of the readers to see the beauty of the mountain peaks in Rinjani National Park. Let’s read it thoroughly, Parman Trekker friend.
Read here: Hidden Natural Enchantment in Rinjani National Park
Rinjani Campground

The first campground that we will discuss is camping in sembalun crater Rinjani. With a Rinjani hike of more than 20 km, we will reach one of the peaks of Rinjani. In this place, the climbers usually take a short break before reaching the highest peak of Rinjani.
Not only resting, the climbers will take advantage of the time by installing tents and camping for a while some time. The location of the camp itself really cannot be expressed in words. The natural scenery is so extraordinary including the view of the Segara Anak Lake which appears so clear.
Later after being satisfied camping in Sembalun crater, we will continue the journey to the top of Rinjani. And after that, the climbers will descend to Lake Segara Anak which is a lake that is above the height of Mount Rinjani.
When you arrive at the location of the largest volcano lake in Indonesia, of course, it’s a shame if you just pass by. The climbers will usually put up tents around the lake. When else can camping with a beautiful lake background atmosphere that make climbers feel at home here? If you have arrived at this location, the Rinjani Trekking Specialist will usually cook delicious dishes for the hikers.
Pergasingan Campground
The next Rinjani hike in Rinjani National Park is to the peak of Pergasingan. The peak of Pergasingan is a peak that is on a hill called Pergasingan. The height of this hill is at an altitude of 1750 meters above sea level.
Do you know why climbers love this hilltop because the view is the most beautiful? thousands of climbers have visited the top of the Pergasingan for camping, and hiking. Until now it can be said that the peak of Pergasingan is the most favorite peak after the peak of Mount Rinjani.
The view to the west of the top of the pergasingan is Mount Rinjani which looks majestic and clear. Then to the east of the peak is the view of the sea and Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa. So it is appropriate that the peak of competition is included as a favorite Rinjani hike among other hilltops in Rinjani National Park.
Read here: Pergasingan Hill, The Place for Extreme Sports
The Peak of Dara Campground

The next Rinjani hike that is not inferior to the peak of Pergasingan is Puncak Dara. The location of this campground is at an altitude of 1924 meters above sea level and takes about 3 hours to climb. Indeed, this location is not as popular as the peak of Mount Rinjani, but the view is extraordinary.
Puncak Dara is perfect for your campground with friends to watch the blue sea view of the Lombok Strait. However, there are several points of location that are quite steep and extreme on this one Rinjani hike.
You should remain careful and alert. The decision to use an experienced Rinjani trekking company is a wise choice. Choose The Rinjani Trekking Specialist who knows the route and is an expert in services such as cooking services, guide and porter services, and has complete equipment.
Read here: 10 Tips To Become a Guide from Rinjani Trekking Company
Sempana Campground
The Rinjani hike that is no less amazing is the Sempana Peak. Where the climbers will be presented with a wide view of the savanna. Parman trekker pals need to know that Sempana is the name of a beautiful hill in Rinjani National Park. People call this hill the hill of Teletubbies.
Why do people call it Teletubies Hill the location of the Sempana Peak campground is similar to the location of the hill in the animated movie Teletubies. Rinjani hike is very mesmerizing with views of the expanse of savanna forest and beautiful and unique flora.
What is clear is that climbers must bring camping equipment such as tents and cooking utensils to rest after doing the Rinjani hike for 5 hours. We will have fun at the top of this hill. And let Rinjani Trekking Specialist work to serve all your needs.
Bao Ritip Campground
We discuss the rinjani hike which is no less exciting, namely climbing the peak of Bao Ritip. Which campground location here is also exciting, you know parman trekker friend.
Rinjani hike on this one, climbers will find more diverse plants ranging from savanna forests and dense and tall wood trees. Then, this location is the habitat of the endemic rinjani plumage which is a type of owl.
The Rinjani hike to the top of Bao Ritip requires a travel time of 6 hours. You need to prepare your parman trekker friend to get to one of the peaks of Rinjani.
Gedong Peak Campground
Gedong Peak is a peak as high as 2100 meters above sea level which is a rinjani hike that takes 3 hours to the top. And down to the location approximately 2 hours drive. So the time required is approximately 5 hours of climbing. This location is a very beautiful campground location.
Kondo Campground
The last peak that is quite charming as a campground location is Kondo Peak. Which is one of the beautiful hilltops owned by the Rinjani National Park. This peak itself has an altitude of about 1750 meters above sea level. And the perfect location for your Rinjani hike agenda.
Ready to Conquer Rinjani Campground?
Now you have imagined it, it turns out that there are quite a lot of peaks in Rinjani National Park that are suitable as campground locations. Not only Mount Rinjani is the main attraction of Rinjani National Park. Hills such as Pergasingan, sempana to Kondo Peak offer the magic of extraordinary natural beauty.
And that’s enough of the Rinjani Trekking Specialist’s review of the Rinjani hike in Rinjani National Park, Lombok. Then, when is your turn to come here, colleagues? No need to be confused to get here, you can contact us whenever you plan to enjoy the nature of Rinjani National Park.
Parman Trekker
Rinjani Trekking Specialist
North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Post Code 83354
Mobile Phone:Â +081353144856