The island of 1000 mosques
History of the entry of Islam in Nusa Tenggara
Lombok Island is inhabited by more than 5 million people of which more than 90% of the population is Muslim. no wonder, this island is nicknamed the island of 1000 mosques. To the Indonesian government, Nusa Tenggara Province has become a halal tourist attraction in Indonesia in addition to NAD Province and West Sumatra Province. Lombok Island is the best place for tourists with the concept of halal tourism. Because of the contribution of the island of Lombok, the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) named Indonesia the first-ranked country as a halal tourist spot in the world in 2019.
The existence of Muslim communities on the island of Lombok is certainly inseparable from the influence of the entry of Islamic teachings to this island. How did Islam enter the island? Parman Trekker will discuss the development of Islam in Nusa Tenggara.
Influences of culture
Islam entered West Nusa Tenggara in the 16th century through trade, marriage, and culture. The carriers of Islam to this area successfully adapted to the local culture. By integrating culture, Islam was well accepted by the local population at that time. The influence of religious figures from the island of Java is also very important in supporting the acceleration of the spread of Islam. there is a famous religious figure from the island of Java, namely Sayyid Maulana Muhammad Fdhlullah known as Sunan Prapen who helped develop Islamic preaching on the island of Lombok. Sunan Prapen himself was the son of Sunan Giri, the famous 9 wali figure. In addition, cultural influences from Bugis, Aceh, and Bali also contributed to the spread of Islam on the island of Lombok.
Influence of the ancient kingdoms
There is also an opinion that Islam entered the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara in the 13th century following the destruction of the Majapahit Kingdom and the infiltration of Javanese culture into Southeast Nusa Tenggara. There is also an opinion that Islam entered in the 17th century, at which time the King of Goa from Makassar embraced Islam brought by scholars from West Sumatra. So the influence of the king of Goa helped spread Islam in the area around his rule including the island of Lombok. The kingdom in Lombok at that time was the Selaparang Kingdom led by Prabu Rangkesari which had a close relationship with the kingdom of Gowa. And this relationship was strengthened by marriage.
The process of entering Islam to the island of Lombok was very fast. There is a theory that Islam entered the Middle East through trade routes. Islam was brought by traders from Gujarat along with Arabic scholars. Here we can conclude that Islam quickly developed on the island of Lombok through culture, and the influence of the king to trade.
The development of Islam in Nusa Tenggara today
The tribe on the island of Lombok is the Sasak tribe, a traditional tribe native to Nusa Tenggara who adhere to a strong religion. The values ​​of politeness there are very well maintained. Some people there still believe in supernatural and mystical things. With this character, the Sasak people still maintain their religious traditions well. Maintain traditions and culture.
Some also adhere to tarekat and traditionalist ideology. Public figures and figures are highly respected and respected. Figures also act as leaders to solve problems that occur in society. The role of the teacher is also very important in maintaining social norms. The role of the teacher is also as a religious leader. Religious values ​​protect society from negative behavior. This strength makes Lombok, the island of 1000 mosques a very religious region. So tourists are very comfortable with the attitudes and behavior of the people of Lombok. People who are friendly to tourists.
Islamic Heritage in Nusa Tenggara

Bayan Beleq Ancient Mosque, the first mosque in Lombok, is the island of 1000 mosques. You as a tourist must visit and take photos at this iconic mosque. The existence of this mosque is in north Lombok. This mosque, which is more than 300 years old, was the first point of entry for Islam on the island of Lombok. Beleq means big tomb. Here there is the grave of a spreader of Islam on the island of Lombok.
The next Islamic relic is Langgar Pusaka. Langgar means a place of worship for prayer. What we usually call a mosque. This ancient mosque is an Islamic heritage and is thought to have been founded in the 17th century. There are no longer any prayer activities as usual here. Only for major religious activities such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayers.
Modern Islamic heritage stands majestically on the island of Lombok, such as the Hubbul Wathan Grand Mosque which is included in the Islamic center area, the Nurul Bilad Grand Mosque, the Al Akbar Masbagik Mosque, and the Agung Praya Grand Mosque. There are many more beautiful mosques on the island of Lombok that you can find here.

Other Islamic sites such as Makam Batu Layar, and Makam keramat cemare are the graves of famous Islamic religious figures on the island of Lombok. Islamic religious figures who played a role in spreading Islam on the island of Lombok were highly respected and respected by the community. So that the local community and the graves of these religious figures receive special and special treatment. This place is still preserved to this day.
Closing :
We conclude that Lombok, the island of 1000 mosques is very special to visit for those of you who want to spend time with your partner, family, and the learning community. Here, we are not only presented with very beautiful natural views such as the beauty of the beautiful beaches on the island of Lombok. Here we can explore the world-famous Gili Islands. On the island of Lombok, there is the beautiful peak of Mount Rinjani. Here you can see the beauty of the sunrise and have an exciting experience at the top of Rinjani.
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Apart from that, you can visit traditional and cultural houses. A traditional house that is still preserved. And finally, you can make Islamic heritage sites into tourist attractions. Lombok Island is suitable for those of you who want to vacation with the concept of halal tourism and halal food. All of this is because the majority of Lombok Island is Muslim, making Lombok Island better known for being religious, clean, beautiful, and friendly. Together with Parman Trekker, we will explore the beauty of the island of Lombok. Are you ready for a holiday to Lombok with us?
Zuhdi, Harfin. (2017). Mozaik Islam Awal Mula Islam di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sanasabil
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