Volcanoes: Disasters and Benefits of Mount Rinjani Eruption
Mount Rinjani which we see now is the result of the Rinjani eruption several years ago. So that we can feel the benefits now. Volcanoes are natural phenomena that all living things depend on. We can see the benefits of volcanoes from the many ecosystems that depend on them, namely diverse animals and plants.
One of them is Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. This mountain is a place where there are about 400 species of trees and that’s still the trees alone not including other types of plants such as ferns, rattan, grasses, medicinal plants, mushrooms, and flowers such as orchids. And there are many other types of plants that thrive in the Rinjani forest.
Not to mention we count how many animals depend on and live in the Mount Rinjani National Park. even among these animals are endemic animals that are rare and protected.
There are still more benefits that we feel directly from the existence of this volcano such as its abundant water sources, its forests as the lungs of the world, and its fertile soil. Then, on this volcano land, various agricultural commodities reach us to meet human food needs.
Then, where did it come from to form a natural phenomenon that has so many benefits for humans? It happens from a process that we call eruption. Yes, it was the Rinjani eruption that made Mount Rinjani what it is today.
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Rinjani Eruption
Volcanic eruption is like an ambiguity because one side is considered a disaster and the other side is a gift. Why rinjani trekking specialists say a gift because the results of the eruption formed the mountain into the most fertile place in the world.
There are positive and negative impacts of volcanic eruptions. One of them is the Rinjani eruption which has occurred many times on a small scale and large eruptions that have occurred decades ago. So this is why people feel the benefits of volcanoes for their lives now.
Rinjani Trekking Specialist by Parman Trekker would like to discuss the positive and negative impacts of the Rinjani eruption on the lives around it. The people of Lombok are very dependent on the existence of Mount Rinjani. Even some groups of people make this mountain a sacred place of worship.
The Land Becomes Fertile

Rinjani eruption resulted in the release of volcanic material in the bowels of the earth which is full of nutrients for the soil. The eruption made the land around the slopes of Mount Rinjani very fertile. No wonder, vegetable commodities always come from the mountainous plains.
In addition, the mountainous land that is the result of the eruption is very suitable for agriculture and plantations. Volcanic material from the eruption forms soil fertility in such a way that the surrounding soil content contains the nutrients needed for plants to thrive.
Abundant Water Source
Volcanoes with low temperatures tend to experience rainy and cold seasons. In fact, water sources from the mountains are the cleanest and healthiest. Because the water in the mountains is more preserved in its beauty unlike rivers in urban areas that have experienced pollution.
The thing that makes mountains like Mount Rinjani have many water sources because the type of mountain is able to more easily absorb more rainwater. The water is stored in the soil and rocks in very large quantities. then the water flows to the lower plains. Usually in the rainy season and very high waterfalls, river water will rise and flow so swiftly to the lowlands.
Hiking Destinations

The eruption of Rinjani has formed a mainstay of tourism in Indonesia, especially Lombok Island. Mount Rinjani is the most popular mountain as a national and international climbing tourist destination. Climbers from various countries are curious to see firsthand the beauty of Mount Rinjani which has many tourist spots.
Here there are rivers, waterfalls, and hot springs, there is the largest lake at the height of Mount Rinjani, then not to mention the aesthetic and charming camping locations. You should try climbing Mount Rinjani with a specialist Rinjani trekking guide. And we will visit all the great places around Mount Rinjani National Park.
Many of the Rinjani climbers spend more than one night, they are hiking and camping on the heights of Rinjani. Moreover, the activities of the climbers are also assisted by Rinjani Trekking Specialists who fulfill the needs of food and equipment needed by the climbers.
Read here: Hidden Natural Enchantment In Rinjani National Park
Alternative Power Source

Active volcanoes can be utilized to explore potential energy derived from geothermal heat. The potential energy is electrical energy derived from geothermal heat, something that non-active mountains do not have.
Then the geothermal energy is converted into a source of electrical energy that is beneficial to humans. Electricity is a basic need today that we are very dependent on. That way, the area around Mount Rinjani does not need to worry about electricity shortages because this is the source. Renewable energy sources such as geothermal are no longer dependent on the supply of fossil fuels such as fuel and diesel to drive electric turbines. Simply by using geothermal heat.
The Threat of Respiratory Disorders
If we discussed the positive impact of the Rinjani eruption earlier, now we discuss what are the negative impacts. Volcanoes that are erupting will pollute the air with volcanic ash which is very dangerous.
There are contents such as metal elements that can threaten the breathing of humans who breathe them. The impact is very serious for breathing, especially on the lungs. Apart from breathing, the threat of eye irritation also causes more serious problems.
When there are symptoms and signs of a volcanic eruption, we should stay as far away from the volcano as possible. In order to survive the eruption, make sure you stay in a safe place until it is declared safe.
Serious Environmental Damage
The next impact of volcanic eruptions is environmental damage. How big the damage is depends on how strong the volcanic eruption is.
Volcanic eruptions can also cause serious damage to forests and ecosystems due to the ejection of deadly materials and volcanic ash. Plants, animals, and even humans can die when near the source of a volcanic eruption.
So, climbers who climb volcanoes such as Rinjani will be reminded of the potential for eruption and advised to always be vigilant. Follow the advice of experienced guides as they are trained to evacuate and prevent disaster impacts.
This damage can be short-term or long-term depending on how long the eruption lasts. However, when the eruption is over, ecosystems and plants will quickly regenerate and recover. As we discussed above, the volcanic material that sticks to the slopes of the mountain becomes a source of nutrients for the surrounding plants.
This is a review of volcanic eruptions, especially the Rinjani eruption which formed the beautiful Mount Rinjani as it is today. There are positive and negative impacts of the volcanic eruption process. In essence, if an eruption occurs, immediately leave the volcano until conditions are completely safe.
If you decide to climb the mountain, prioritize safety and security. Climbing with friends and accompanied by a guide is better than climbing alone. Because if something happens, experienced guides know better where the evacuation routes are in an emergency.
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Parman Trekker
Rinjani Trekking Specialist
North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Post Code 83354
Mobile Phone:Â +081353144856