Check Out The Excitement of Tirta Tourism in Rinjani

Water or Tirta Tourism in Rinjani National Park is not only through the Rinjani peak trekking route. But this national park has non-climbing water tourism. Rinjani National Park, which covers approximately 9 percent of the total area of the island of Lombok, has extraordinary beauty.

To enjoy water tourism, you need to climb the peak of Rinjani. There is Segara Anak Lake which is very exotic. Its existence above the altitude of 2009 meters above sea level, makes Segara Anak Lake the most beautiful lake in Southeast Asia. In addition, you can enjoy water tourism without having to climb. Even so, you can go camping and explore the exotic forest roads here.

Water Tourism Destinations

Some natural destinations that present natural scenery in the form of water tourism or water tourism are no less beautiful than Segara Anak Lake at the height of Mount Rinjani. There are river tours, waterfalls, blue lakes, and many other water tours.

Telaga Biru or Blue Lake

Blue Lake tour (photo: Instagram/enonnn)

This water tourism in Rinjani National Park is located in Perian Village. In this tourist spot, we can do some exciting activities with family, like camping and hiking. It’s also fun camping at the Blue Lake location.

The main attraction of Telaga Biru is the bluish color of the lake.

Its location in the middle of the forest is of course an attraction in itself, the beauty of the beautiful, lush, and well-maintained forest can spoil every tourist who visits. A very Instagramable location with your beloved family to go camping.

Jeruk Manis Waterfall

This waterfall tour in Rinjani National Park is located in Jeruk Manis Village. The name of the waterfall is the same as the name of the village. In addition to water tourism, the activities here are full of educational activities. In addition, camping at this location provides an unforgettable experience.

Mayung Polak Waterfall

Mayung Polak Waterfall amidst the silence of the forest (photo: BPPD NTB)

This water tourism in Rinjani National Park is located in Timbanuh Village. Besides enjoying the waterfall, what other activities can we enjoy here? Try the sensation of camping while grilling fish in this location. How fun is that?

Located in the middle of the Timbanuh wilderness, Mayung Polak waterfall is like a palace made of beautiful water. Like a gem hidden behind the Rinjani forest.

Anyone who gets to the location of this waterfall will be amazed by the sound of the waterfall that breaks the silence of the forest.

Although the facilities are still minimal at the location, this waterfall has begun to be well managed. If you decide to go camping, you should prepare enough equipment and supplies.

Mangkusakti Waterfall

mangku sakti waterfall (photo: east lombok tourism department)

Tirta tourism in the Rinjani National Park is located in Sajang Village. In the Rinjani National Park, there are indeed many tourist attractions with waterfall nuances. One of them is the Mangkusakti waterfall. The sound of the waterfall is very clear with a fairly cool temperature of course.

Treng Wilis River

This tirta or water tourism in the Rinjani National Park is located in Perian Village. In addition to waterfalls, of course, the Rinjani National Park has other cool water tours. Let’s try swimming in the Treng Wilis River. Those who are good at swimming must like this kind of tourist background. Can you go hiking on this river? Yes, of course you can. In addition, walking through the trails and forests here is also fun.

Penimbungan Waterfall

This waterfall tour in Rinjani National Park is located in Loloan Village, Sambik Elen. Once again we find a waterfall that is no less beautiful than other waterfalls. The name of the location is Penimbungan Waterfall. Truly, a waterfall that is very mesmerizing to the eye and reassuring to the mind.

Being at this location while hiking and camping is certainly a very memorable experience. Camping with a waterfall atmosphere is very different from camping in other places, the atmosphere is cool and cold, and bathing around it makes the whole body refreshed. Interested in trying to bathe around the waterfall?

Read here: Myth or Fact of Segara Anak Lake. Is It True?

Tiu Ngumbak Waterfall

The Freshness of Tiu Ngumbak Waterfall (Photo: Suara NTB)

This waterfall tour in Rinjani National Park is located in Gumantar Village. Want to take photos of the Tiu Ngumbak waterfall? Then upload it on your Instagram. Very cool isn’t it? Let’s try to feel the atmosphere of camping and hiking at this location.

Many waterfalls in Lombok use the word “Tiu” which means the whirlpool of the waterfall. Besides Tiu Ngumbak, there is a waterfall named Tiu Pupus.

The journey to the Tiu Ngumbak waterfall location is not easy. The climbers will go through an extreme route and there are ravines. therefore, we must be extra careful when traveling to the location of this one waterfall.

Because the place is quite remote and access to get there is not easy, then you have to fight stronger. the journey to the location will be treated to views of coffee and cocoa plantations.

But believe me, when you arrive at this location you will be satisfied. fatigue during the trip will just disappear.

Read here: Join the Adventures of Hiking this Volcanic Mountain


Rinjani National Park has a very large location. Tropical forests with hundreds of species of fauna and flora are here. The park is recognized for its beauty and received a prestigious award. Therefore, it is very wrong to think that Mount Rinjani is the only location that can be visited.

As we explained, there are tourist sites through which you do not have to climb. In addition, the activities here are no less exciting than climbing the top of Mount Rinjani. However, it cannot be denied that climbing Mount Rinjani has its own challenges and excitement.

However, the summit of Mount Rinjani still remains the prima donna of natural beauty. With amazing geological sites, we can visit Segara Anak Lake, see Mount Barujari, and take pictures on top of the second-highest volcano in Indonesia. You can trust your Rinjani trekking trip with Parman Trekker, the Rinjani trekking specialist. For them, the satisfaction of rinjani climbers is the number one priority.

Parman Trekker

North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Post Code 83354

Mobile Phone : +081353144856

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